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The industrial Internet provides comprehensive support for the new industrialization

The report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that we should continue to focus on the real economy, promote a new type of industrialization, and accelerate the building of a manufacturing power, a network power, and a digital China.


Investment in key energy projects exceeded one trillion yuan in the first half of the year

Recently, the National Energy Administration released several sets of data in the first half of the year: over 1 trillion yuan, the national energy key projects to complete the investment increased by 23.9% year-on-year; The new installed capacity of renewable energy accounted for 77% of the total installed power generation capacity. This has doubled in half a year, and the installed capacity of new energy storage units put into operation is about 8.63 million kilowatts / 17.72 million KWH, which is equivalent to the cumulative installed capacity of the previous years.